Patient Survey Patient Survey We are not collecting your name or contact details in this survey. However, Grosvenor House Surgery is committed to protecting the privacy and personal data of individuals in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other applicable data protection laws. Your participation in this survey is voluntary, and all responses will be kept confidential. We have implemented appropriate measures to safeguard your personal data against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. Access to your data is restricted to authorized personnel only, and strict confidentiality agreements are in place to ensure the protection of your information. The responses to this survey will be retained for three years.1.Do you use Grosvenor house Surgery Online Patient Triage service that can be used to book an appointment, request a prescription or other related service? Yes (go to question 2) Optional No (go to question 4) Optional 2. Generally, how easy do you find it to use Practice Online Patient Triage service? Very Easy Optional Fairly Easy Optional Fairly Difficult Optional Very Difficult Optional Don’t know Optional 3. Why don’t you use our online Patient Triage service? (Please tick all that apply) I have tried but it was too difficult Optional I don’t like to book appointments online Optional I like to talk to someone Optional I don’t use computers or smart phones Optional Other Optional If other please specify why? Optional4. When was your last appointment at Grosvenor House Surgery? In the last 3 months Optional 3 to 6 months ago Optional 6 to 12 months ago Optional More than 12 months ago Optional I haven’t had an appointment since I registered at Grosvenor House Surgery (go to question 10) Optional 5. Reflecting on your most recent appointment, were you satisfied with the time span between your request and the scheduled date? Very satisfied Optional Satisfied Optional Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Optional Dissatisfied Optional Don’t know Optional 6. Who did you have the appointment with? GP Optional Pharmacist Optional Nurse Optional Physio Optional Phlebotomist Optional Health Care Assistant Optional Social Prescriber Optional Don’t know / Can’t remember Optional 7. How did the appointment take place? Face to Face Optional Over the phone Optional Video Call Optional E-consultation (i.e Email) Optional Other Optional 8. Thinking about the reason for your last appointment, were your needs met? Yes – Fully Optional To some extent Optional No not at all Optional Don’t know Optional 9. If you have any comments about patient appointments at Grosvenor House Surgery, please let us know below: Optional10. If you order repeat medication, how do you submit your request? (Tick all that apply) Online / website Optional Via the pharmacy Optional NHS App Optional Patient Access Optional I don’t need to order repeat prescriptions Optional Other Optional If you chose 'Other' in Q10 please tell us how Optional11. If you have any comments about ordering repeat prescriptions, please let us know below: Optional12. How helpful do you find the Reception team? Very Helpful Optional Fairly Helpful Optional Not Very Helpful Optional Not At All Helpful Optional Don’t Know Optional 13. If you have any comments about our Reception team, please let us know below: Optional14. Thinking about the surgery you visit most often what would improve your experience in terms of building, surgery environment etc. Please write below. Optional15. Currently, how well do you think the practice communicates with you about Practice news, events and important patient information? Very well – I get all the information I need Optional Well – it is OK but it could be better Optional Poorly – it definitely needs more focus Optional Very poorly – I think it needs to improve a lot Optional Don’t know Optional 16. Which of the following ways do you prefer to hear from Practice? (Please tick all that apply) SMS / text message Optional Email Optional Website Optional Practice Newsletter Optional Other Optional If you chose 'Other' in Q16 please tell us what you would prefer: Optional18. Did you know Practice has started its programme of Health Education and Engagement sessions for patients, which focus on particular areas of health and wellbeing? Yes Optional No Optional 19. Please let us know if there are any specific Health & Wellbeing topics you would like Practice to cover in its Health Education/Information sessions: Optional20. Did you know Practice has a Patient Group (also known as a Patient Participation Group (PPG)) run by patients to represent you and collaborate with practice for improvements? Yes Optional No Optional 21. Overall, how satisfied are you with your current experience as a patient of Practice? Very satisfied Optional Satisfied Optional Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Optional Dissatisfied Optional Very dissatisfied Optional Don’t know Optional 22. Thinking about your current satisfaction with Practice, how does this compare with last year? Better Optional About the same Optional Worse Optional Don’t Know Optional 23. What do you think Practice does well for you as a patient? Optional24. What do you think Practice could improve for you as a patient? OptionalIt would be very helpful if you could complete this part of the survey. The information you give us will help Grosvenor House Surgery find out the range of our patients who are taking the opportunity to share their views. All the questions are voluntary and your answers will be completely anonymous and not used for any other purposes.25. Please indicate your current age group: Under 15 years old Optional 15-19 years old Optional 20-24 years old Optional 25-34 years old Optional 35-44 years old Optional 45-54 years old Optional 55-64 years old Optional 65-74 years old Optional 75-79 years old Optional 80+ years old Optional Prefer not to say Optional 26. Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? Yes, limited a lot Optional Yes, limited a little Optional No Optional Prefer not to say Optional 27. Do you look after, or give help or support to, anyone because they have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age? Yes Optional No Optional Consent I consent to you publishing my comment anonymously on your website. I do not consent to you publishing my comment anonymously on your website.